Annual General Meeting 2016
The Annual General Meeting 2016 took place on February 24 at 10 a.m. in the Congress Centrum (CCH) in Hamburg. All important documents can be found here.
Information on the Annual General Meeting 2016 (as pdf files):
Information for the shareholders:
Speech and presentation of Executive Board spokesman Erwin Faust:
Self-imposed commitment of the Executive Board regarding item 6 of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting on February 24, 2016:
Proxy voting:
To the online voting system (proxy voting) (inactive)
Documents available at the AGM:
- Annual Report 2014/15
- Financial Statements of Aurubis AG 2014/15
- Explanatory report by the Executive Board on disclosures of takeover provisions pursuant to Section 289 paragraph 4 and Section 315 paragraph 4 German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Explanatory Report by the Executive Board in accordance with Section 289 paragraph 5 and 315 paragraph 2 no. 5 German Commercial Code
- Explanatory Report by the Executive Board on item 6 with Sections 203 paragraph 2, 186 paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 sentence 2 German Stock Corporation (AktG)
- Proposal of the the Executive Board for the appropriation of the net income for the fiscal year 2014/15
Articles of Association:
Investor Relations

Ken Nagayama
Vice President Investor Relations
Phone | +49 40 7883-3178 |

Ferdinand von Oertzen
Senior Manager Investor Relations
Phone | +49 40 7883-3179 |