Risk management
Our objective in risk management is to manage and monitor the risks associated with our business with the help of a risk management system (RMS) suited to our activities.
The early identification and observation of risk development is of major importance. Furthermore, we strive to limit negative effects on earnings caused by risks with appropriate and economically sound countermeasures.
Risk management is an integral component of the centralized and decentralized planning, management, and monitoring processes and covers all of the Aurubis Group’s main sites, business sectors, and staff functions. The planning and management system, risk reporting, an open communication culture, and risk reviews at the sites create risk awareness and make our risk situation transparent.
Risk management officers have been appointed for all sites, business sectors, and staff functions, and they form a network within the Group. The Group headquarters in Hamburg manages the network. Corporate Risk Management reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer. The RMS is documented in a corporate policy.
Standard risk reporting takes place bottom-up each quarter using a uniform, Group-wide reporting format. Within this format the identified risks and risks beyond a defined threshold are explained and evaluated on the basis of their probability of occurrence and their business significance, and measures to manage them are outlined. The risks registered with Group headquarters are qualitatively aggregated into significant risk clusters by Corporate Risk Management and reported to the entire Executive Board. The report also establishes the basis for the report to the Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee as well as external risk reporting.
In the report to the Executive Board and the Audit Committee, the qualitatively aggregated risk clusters are assessed with due regard to risk management measures (net perspective) based on their probability of occurrence and the potential effect on earnings pursuant to the spreads included in the table and are classified as low, medium, or high.
Risk Management Report (excerpt from the Annual Report 2023/24)