Press Release
"Aurubis Bulgaria to finance projects for BGN 800 000 under the new partnership program with Pirdop Municipality
Bulgaria | Monday, June 6, 2022

On June 6, 2022 in the building of the Municipality of Pirdop was signed the new Partnership Program between the municipality and Aurubis Bulgaria AD. According to the document, by the end of September 2023, projects amounting to total BGN 800 000 will be implemented to support the development of the town of Pirdop and Dushantsi village. The main priorities in the Program are education, culture, social activities, security system, sports and healthy lifestyle.
Under the partnership program will be carried out activities to improve the conditions for education and culture in the Savo Savov Secondary School, Todor Vlaikov Primary School, Carlo and Peka Chokonjani Kindergarten, the "Napredak 1868" community center in Pirdop and "Svetlina 1910" community center in Dushantsi. A project is planned to improve energy efficiency and purchase of an ultrasound machine for the Medical Centre in the town of Plovdiv. The project will also include the purchase of medical equipment for the Echocardiography Centre in Pirdop. The renovation of the sports complex in town will continue with works on the athletics track at the stadium. Renovation works are also planned at the Pascal hut to improve the conditions for recreation and tourism.
In the village of Dushantsi, the branch of the kindergarten "Carlo and Peca Chokoyani" and the roof of the pensioners' club will be renovated. Renovation of playgrounds and upgrade CCTV system in Pirdop and Dushantsi is also planned. The traditional support for amateur groups and sports clubs in the municipality will as well be continued.
During the implementation period of the previous two-year Partnership Program, projects for over BGN 820 000 in total were realized in support of the partners from Pirdop and Dushantsi - BGN 680 000 under the Program and additional activities for over BGN 140 000.
Under the previous Program, classrooms at Todor Vlaikov Primary School were renovated and additionally equipped, a new fence was built on the north side of the school yard and garden benches were installed at Savo Savov Secondary School. Kitchen equipment, laptops and an interactive whiteboard were purchased for the "Peca and Carlo Cioconiani" kindergarten. Teacher training and qualification courses were also funded. The activities of the "Progress - 1869" community center in the town of Pirdop and the "Light - 1910" community center in village of Dushantsi were supported. A roof over the entrance to Medical Centre I - Pirdop was built. The renovation of the sports hall in Pirdop continued, the reconstruction of the grass surface at the football stadium with a new irrigation system was carried out. Activities of all sports clubs and amateur groups were financed. A new video system was built in Pirdop.
The additional funds were allocated for the celebration of the holiday of the town of Pirdop and the cleaning of the street network in Pirdop and Dushantsi. The people from the Union of the Disabled in Bulgaria - Pirdop received funds for medical treatment. Additional support was provided to municipal educational institutions, thermal displays were purchased for schools, and projects were implemented for the improvement of areas around Lake Dushantsi, school and municipal green areas. Funding was secured for protective equipment for the Medical Centre in Pirdop, for sports talents from the region, for the summer school in the "Napredak" community center and the production of a film about the community center, for the publication of books, including "Vlaikov's Reading Books" and additional support for local organizations.
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