Press Release

Aurubis AG appoints Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operations Officer, completing the restructuring of the Executive Board

Hamburg | Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Aurubis AG Supervisory Board met today and appointed Dr. Toralf Haag (58) new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Tim Kurth (56) new Chief Operations Officer for custom smelting — effective September 1, 2024. This completes the restructuring of the Aurubis Executive Board announced in January 2024

With the appointments of Dr. Toralf Haag and Tim Kurth, the Executive Board will initially consist of the following members starting September 1, 2024: Dr. Toralf Haag (CEO), the two COOs Inge Hofkens and Tim Kurth, and Prof. Markus Kramer (Chief Transformation Officer, CTO). Prof. Kramer will be recalled to the Supervisory Board as planned on September 30, 2024. Current CEO Roland Harings (60) will hand over the reins as of August 31, 2024, and the appointment of Dr. Haag will ensure a smooth transfer.

As announced in January 2024, Rainer Verhoeven will be leaving the company as CFO effective June 30, 2024. In the interim period from July 1 to September 30, 2024, Prof. Kramer will assume the responsibilities of CFO in addition to his role as CTO. On October 1, Steffen Alexander Hoffmann will take over as CFO.

Future CEO Dr. Toralf Haag has a wide range of industry experience. After completing a business degree at the University of Augsburg and receiving a doctorate from the University of Kiel, Dr. Toralf Haag joined Thyssen Handelsunion AG in Düsseldorf in 1994. From 1994 to 2001, he held various management positions in the ThyssenKrupp Group, including four years in the US. From 2002 to 2005, Dr. Haag served as CFO of the Norddeutsche Affinerie AG, today Aurubis AG, before taking a position as CFO of Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical company Lonza Group AG in 2005. He joined the Executive Board of the Voith Group in October 2016, where he has served as acting CEO since October 2018.

With Toralf Haag, we have succeeded in winning a proven industry expert over to Aurubis who will lead the company with great strategic vision.
Fritz Vahrenholt

Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt

Supervisory Board member representing the shareholders

Current Managing Director Aurubis Bulgaria and Plant Manager of the Bulgarian site in Pirdop, Tim Kurth, studied at Friedberg University of Applied Sciences. He began his career with Unilever followed by a position at Numico in Poland. After joining Aurubis AG in 2006, Tim Kurth has held a number of managerial positions including as Corporate Innovation Manager and Vice President Corporate Logistics. He was appointed Managing Director Aurubis Bulgaria in 2014. His responsibilities there include the comprehensive further development of the successful site, which is now one of the most important companies and employers in Bulgaria. Tim Kurth is President of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has an extensive understanding of metallurgical processes and Aurubis’ operating business.

“With Toralf Haag, we have succeeded in winning a proven industry expert over to Aurubis who will lead the company with great strategic vision. He is already very familiar with the company and its markets from his time as Aurubis CFO,” Aurubis AG Supervisory Board Chairman Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt commented on the appointment. “Tim Kurth has done an exceptional job advancing the Bulgarian site. His extensive experience makes him the ideal candidate to take on responsibility for important segments of the Aurubis smelter network. We are also very pleased to have been able to fill this pivotal management role with an internal candidate. On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to wish Toralf Haag and Tim Kurth every success in their new roles as they continue to implement the strategic agenda. The Supervisory Board would like to thank Roland Harings for his dedication and service to Aurubis over the past few years. He initiated and realized important strategic directions during his tenure.”
